Get Involved

IEEE Computer Society Leadership

One of our most engaging volunteer opportunities can be found among our leadership roles. See how you can get the most out of your membership.
The IEEE Computer Society offers computing professionals a platform to increase collaboration and further research and development. As a society, we organize engaging conferences, publish peer-reviewed academic journals and distribute industry trends and standards on the latest emerging technology. All of these are organized and lead by volunteers.

Volunteering among our leadership roles take commitment. Often that means volunteering from 1 to 3 years in the role to give volunteers ample time to accomplish their objectives.

Learn about our board of governors members and the many boards and committees within the Computer Society.

Volunteer Opportunities

The Board of Governors sets direction, provides policy guidance, and reviews the performance of the organization. Nominate yourself or someone you know and participate in our elections!
Our boards and committees consist of program boards, standing technical committees, and advisory boards that mold the future of computer science and engineering.
Our journals and magazines help distribute computer science and engineering research. Become an Editor in Chief, join the Editorial Board, Submit your papers or review articles.
Conferences bring a community of computer science professionals and researchers together. Opportunities are available in publicity, finance and logistics for conferences in various topics.

Set Yourself Apart—Volunteer on a Board or Committee

  • Shape the future of your industry.
  • Become an IEEE Fellow.
  • Lead a technical committee.
  • Get involved with your chapter, section, or region.