The IEEE Computer Society Technical Community on Microprocessors and Microcomputers (TCMM) is involved with the architecture, design, and application of state-of-the-art hardware and software implementations for computing, networking and interconnection architectures. The TC sponsors the Hot Chips, Hot Interconnects, Cool Chips, and Multi-Core SoC conferences, now in their 27th, 23rd, 18th, and 9th years respectively (as of 2015). The TC also technically co-sponsors the Pervasive and Embedded computing and Communication Conference, now in its 5th year.
Contributions are sought from both academic and industrial researchers and developers. The fields of interest include high performance, low power and multi-core chips. Applications include mobile and embedded devices, graphics and game processors, communications and networking processors, database, storage, security and cryptographic applications. FPGA based systems, memory technologies and interconnections, chipsets and custom chips for emerging applications are also presented. Software aspects of multi-core and heterogeneous chips and systems, programming models and runtime systems are solicited.
Each conference features tutorials of broad applicability covering areas of specific interest. Posters are solicited from both academic and industrial authors. Student participation is actively encouraged, with awards for Best Student paper or poster.
The TC sponsors and facilitates technical activities across the disciplines of computer architectures, chip implementation, programming languages, and operating systems. The TC also acts as guest editor for IEEE Micro on a yearly basis.
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