The following are guidelines on the use of the IEEE Computer Society logo, the “1” and “0” of binary arithmetic surrounded by a circle, which is registered with the US Patent and Trademark office as the trademark of the IEEE Computer Society.
A. The IEEE Computer Society logo should be used on the Computer Society’s wholly-owned publications and also on meeting notices, programs, and other promotional literature and products. On any of these, the logo should be displayed prominently at least once accompanied by the registration mark, i.e., the registration symbol (R in a circle) shown at the lower right of the emblem. On publications, it is recommended that the logo appear on the front cover and title page, if one exists.
B. In every use, the integrity of the logo must be preserved. For example:
(1) Only the complete, official logo in either solid or outline form may be used. Hand drawn or deformed versions are not permitted. (2) Neither the whole nor recognizable parts may be incorporated into another logo, whether designed by an IEEE Computer Society entity or not. (3) The logo may not be obscured by any other design, lettering, etc. (4) The logo should not be used frivolously.
Examples of incorrect IEEE Computer Society logo usage.
C. The IEEE Computer Society logo must be used in conjunction with the IEEE Master Brand and the IEEE Master Brand must be given equal or greater prominence in the design layout. Discretion is left to the designer to determine the size comparison based on any of several measurements including area, height, and width. For samples of acceptable size relationships and a copy of the IEEE Master Brand Reference Guide, please visit IEEE Identity Standards. All questions regarding IEEE Identity Standards should be directed to the IEEE IPR Office.
D. When used with a logo of an entity within IEEE Computer Society, the Computer Society logo should be at least the same size as the other logo, preferably larger or in a more prominent position. When used with logos of other societies, normally all logos should be the same size. (It may be acceptable to use logos in different sizes if society participation is unequal.)
E. The logo shall be used only in connection with official business of the IEEE Computer Society.
F. The IEEE Computer Society emblem may be incorporated in the design of awards, or for similar purposes, provided that the total emblem is used without any modification. If the emblem is modified in any manner, including the addition of names or dates within the field of the emblem, the basic IEEE Computer Society trademark registration will have been violated. The IEEE’s legal counsel urges that we maintain the integrity of the IEEE Computer Society emblem.
IEEE Computer Society Logos for Download
The IEEE Computer Society logos are available for download (zipped):
Logo (primary)
By downloading the files, you agree to the terms listed above.
File formats available are EPS and PNG. EPS files are good for print, PNG files are good for web.