Call for Papers: IEEE Transactions on Privacy General Submissions

IEEE Transactions on Privacy is now open for submissions.
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Submissions Due: Ongoing

TP is now accepting submissions. To submit an article, please use the IEEE Author Portal. Detailed information on submitting your paper to an IEEE Computer Society publication can be found on the Author Guidelines page.

TP provides a multidisciplinary forum for theoretical, methodological, engineering, and applications aspects of privacy and data protection. Privacy, in this context, is defined as the freedom from unauthorized intrusion in its broadest sense, arising from any activity in information collection, information processing, information dissemination, or invasion.

We invite you to submit a paper on the following topics within privacy:

  • Data protection specification, design, implementation, testing, and validation
  • Information collection, processing, and dissemination
  • Significant advances in theoretical models
  • Engineering tools
  • Design frameworks and languages
  • Architectures
  • Infrastructures
  • Model-based approaches
  • Study cases
  • Standards

Contributions to solving privacy problems in various application domains such as healthcare are also accepted. Purely theoretical papers with no potential application or purely developmental work without any methodological contribution or generalizability would not be in scope.

Why Publish in IEEE Transactions on Privacy:

  • Broad Exposure: Your work will be published in both IEEE Xplore® and the IEEE Computer Society Digital Library, and have the opportunity to be shared with 5 million unique monthly users.
  • Rapid and Vigorous Peer Review: Get published quickly, with a peer review turnaround of 10 weeks for most accepted papers.
  • Retain Copyright: Authors can distribute their work with an even wider audience thanks to the Creative Commons license (either CCBY or CCBY-NC-ND) which allows the content to be reused, downloaded, and copied for noncommercial purposes, provided they provide proper attribution.

Publishing in an Open Access Journal

TP is 100% open access, meaning that all content is freely available without charge to readers or their institutions. All articles are published under Creative Commons licenses (either CCBY or CCBY-NC-ND), and the author retains copyright. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles published under CCBY, or use them for any other lawful purpose, as long as proper attribution is given. Articles published under CCBY-NC-ND are also available to users under the same conditions as CCBY, for non-commercial purposes. Additionally, the work may not be changed in any way.

The articles in this journal are peer-reviewed in accordance with the requirements set forth in the IEEE PSPB Operations Manual (sections 8.2.1.C & 8.2.2.A). Each published article will be reviewed by a minimum of two independent reviewers using a single-anonymous peer review process, where the identities of the reviewers are not known to the authors, but the reviewers know the identities of the authors. Articles will be screened for plagiarism before acceptance.

Article Processing Charges (APC): US$1995 – effective 1 January 2024

Open access is provided through the payment of an article processing charge (APC) paid after acceptance. APCs are often financed by an author’s institution or the funder supporting their research.

*These discounts cannot be combined.

Additionally, IEEE offers open-access programs designed to make it convenient for institutions and funders to support and manage costs for authors, and simplify the publishing process. 

Formatting Your Article for Submission

  • Format your article for submission by using the  TP article template, located in the IEEE Template Selector. Word and LaTeX versions are available.
  • Submit your article text in PDF, DOC, or LaTeX format. Visit the IEEE Author Center for information on writing the abstract, using equations in your article, publishing author names in native languages, and more.
  • The page limit for TP is 12 double-column pages.
  • Submit your figures individually in PS, EPS, PDF, PNG, or TIF format. Visit the IEEE Author Center for resolution, size requirements, file naming conventions, and more information.

Submitting Via IEEE Author Portal and Guidelines

The Author Portal provides a more user-friendly interface compared to ScholarOne Manuscripts, but still connects to the journal’s peer review site. Some key features include:

  • Faster and easier article submission (authors can drag and drop all files at once)
  • Machine learning algorithms which extract key submission information from the manuscript files (authors do not have to rekey or copy and paste information from their article)
  • A single location and interface for authors to perform the entire submission and revision process

Once you start a new submission, the instructions on the right side of the screen will guide you through the submission steps. Please note that you cannot jump ahead or skip steps; however, you may review or revise any previously completed steps before completing your submission. The editorial office won’t see your submission until you complete the Final Review step.

Manuscripts should not be published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere. 

Visit the Following Links for More Information: