IEEE Quantum Week 2021 Is Open for Submissions

18-22 October 2021 | Virtual
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Submissions Due: 7 June 2021

Deadline Extended: Paper Submissions Extended to June 7th

Participation opportunities are available for the IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE 2021) to be held 18-22 October 2021, in an all-virtual format. 

IEEE Quantum Week aims to be recognized as a leading venue for presenting high-quality original research, ground-breaking innovations, and compelling insights in quantum computing and engineering. 

Authors are invited to submit contributions for technical papers, tutorials, workshops, panels, posters, and Birds-of-a-Feather sessions. The submission schedule is available at QCE21 Submission Deadlines.

IEEE Quantum Week features the following technical paper tracks:

  • Quantum Computing & Systems
  • Quantum Algorithms & Applications
  • Quantum Networking & Communications
  • Quantum Engineering, Devices & Sensing
  • Quantum Workforce & Society

Papers accepted by IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing & Engineering will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. The best papers will be invited to the journals IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering (TQE) and ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing (TQC).


Be a part of QCE 2021 – the leading quantum event! 

  • Discover quantum breakthroughs from outside your sphere of influence. 
  • Learn about new research that is critical to your future projects. 
  • Meet with researchers and experts to learn about innovations, solutions, and cutting-edge developments.


Recap — QCE20 was a tremendous success. Over 800 people from 45 countries and 225 companies attended the inaugural IEE Quantum Week. QCE20 featured 270+ hours of programming in a first-class program on quantum computing and engineering over five days and in nine parallel tracks including:


IEEE is now at the center of a global conversation to understand the power and promise of quantum computing.”  — Travis Humble, Oak Ridge National Lab


Visit IEEE QCE for all submittal instructions and details.