Artificial Intelligence in Total Parenteral Nutrition: Reducing the Risk of Human Error

Dr. Nachaat Mohamed, Dr. Nourhan Farouk
Published 03/11/2023
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Reducing human error with artificial intelligenceTotal Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) is a life-saving treatment for patients who cannot consume food orally. Despite its crucial role in modern medical care, TPN is not without risks, including the potential for human error in the preparation and administration of the nutrition solution. Human error can result in serious complications, including infections, metabolic imbalances, and even death. According to recent studies, approximately 10-20% of TPN patients experience adverse events related to human error in TPN management. To address these risks, advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are being explored as potential solutions for improving the safety and accuracy of TPN. In this paper, we will examine the potential of AI and ML in reducing the risk of human error in TPN and discuss the current state of the technology in this field. By exploring the benefits and limitations of AI and ML in TPN, we aim to provide insights into the future of this important area of medical care, where the use of AI and ML have the potential to reduce the incidence of adverse events related to TPN by up to 50%.

Potential of AI and ML in Reducing the Risk of Human Error

The use of AI and ML in Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) has the potential to greatly reduce the risk of human error and improve patient outcomes. AI and ML algorithms can be trained to accurately and consistently calculate TPN formulas based on patient-specific data, such as weight, age, and nutritional needs. By automating the calculation process, AI and ML can eliminate the risk of human error, such as incorrect dosages or miscalculations, resulting in serious complications for TPN patients. Also, AI and ML can be used to monitor TPN administration, including the rate of infusion, the volume delivered, and the patient’s response to the treatment. This can help to detect and prevent adverse events, such as over- or under-infusion, in real-time.

Furthermore, AI and ML can be used to analyze large amounts of patient data to identify trends and patterns, helping to optimize TPN treatment protocols and further reducing the risk of human error. The potential of AI and ML in reducing the risk of human error in TPN is substantial. By automating calculations, monitoring administration, and analyzing patient data, AI and ML have the potential to greatly improve the safety and accuracy of TPN.

Additionally, using AI and ML in TPN can potentially reduce the incidence of adverse events related to TPN and improve patient outcomes. This can have a significant impact on patient safety, as well as reduce the burden on healthcare professionals and improve the efficiency of the TPN process. The integration of AI and ML in TPN has the potential to revolutionize the delivery of TPN and bring about a new era of safer and more accurate nutrition support for patients.

Current State of the Technology

Integrating AI and ML in Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) is an emerging field, and much work remains to be done to fully realize the potential of these technologies. Currently, AI and ML are being used in a limited capacity in TPN, primarily for the calculation of TPN formulas and monitoring of TPN administration. While several AI and ML algorithms have been developed for TPN, the majority of these are still in the experimental stage and have not been widely adopted in clinical practice. This is largely due to the challenges associated with the validation and regulatory approval of AI and ML algorithms in the medical field. Furthermore, the integration of AI and ML in TPN requires a significant investment in technology and infrastructure, as well as the development of new protocols and processes to ensure the safe and effective use of these technologies.



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In conclusion, the current state of AI and ML technology in TPN is still in its early stages, and much work remains to be done to fully realize the potential of these technologies. However, the potential benefits of AI and ML in reducing the risk of human error in TPN are significant, and there is a growing interest in the use of these technologies in the medical field. As the technology continues to evolve and mature, it is likely that AI and ML will play an increasingly important role in the safe and effective delivery of TPN.


Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) is a critical component of patient care, providing essential nutrients to patients who are unable to receive adequate nutrition through oral or enteral means. Despite its importance, TPN is a complex and high-risk process that is prone to human error. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have the potential to greatly reduce the risk of human error in TPN. By automating calculations, monitoring administration, and analyzing patient data, AI and ML can improve the accuracy and safety of TPN delivery. This can have a significant impact on patient outcomes and reduce the burden on healthcare professionals. While the integration of AI and ML in TPN is still in its early stages, there is a growing interest in the use of these technologies in the medical field. The current state of AI and ML technology in TPN is limited, but as the technology continues to evolve and mature, it is likely that AI and ML will play an increasingly important role in the safe and effective delivery of TPN. The potential of AI and ML in reducing the risk of human error in TPN is substantial, and the integration of these technologies has the potential to revolutionize the delivery of TPN and bring about a new era of safer and more accurate nutrition support for patients.

About the Writers

1Assistant professor at Rabdan Academy, and Zayed Military University, Abu Dhabi, UAE 2Delta University for Science and Technology (Faculty of Pharmacy)


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