Develop the Right Soft Skills as an IT Professional

Kruti Shah
Published 06/14/2023
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How to Develop Effective Communication and Collaboration SkillsTechnical skills alone are no longer sufficient to succeed in today’s fast-paced and constantly evolving IT industry. Employers are increasingly looking for IT professionals with strong soft skills, such as effective communication and collaboration.

According to a report by the World Economic Forum, the top 10 skills required for the future of work include complex problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, people management, and coordinating with others. These are all soft skills that are essential for IT professionals to possess. (Source: World Economic Forum, “The Future of Jobs Report 2020”).

A survey of 2,800 hiring managers and human resource professionals found that 77% believe soft skills are just as important as technical skills. In addition, 16% believe soft skills are more important than technical skills. (Source: LinkedIn Learning, “2021 Workplace Learning Report”).

Whether you’re a CSE undergraduate student, a CSE graduate student or postdoc, or a researcher in any computing domain, honing your soft skills can give you a competitive advantage in the job market and help you advance in your career.

These skills can help IT professionals collaborate more effectively with colleagues, stakeholders, and clients, resulting in better outcomes and career success. However, IT professionals must also be proficient in technical skills such as cloud security and the effective use of AI image generators.

In this article, we’ll talk about how to become a successful IT professional by improving your communication, collaboration, emotional and cultural intelligence, and technical skills.


Communication Skills

Any IT professional must be able to communicate effectively. You must be able to communicate technical information to clients, colleagues, and other stakeholders in a clear and concise manner. Here are a few pointers to help you improve your communication abilities:

Active Listening: Listening is a critical component of effective communication. Active listening entails fully engaging with the speaker, taking notes, asking questions, and paraphrasing to ensure understanding.

Clear and Concise Writing: In the IT industry, written communication is also essential. Check that your emails, reports, and other written materials are clear and understandable. Break up the text with bullet points, headings, and other formatting techniques to make it more readable.

Public Speaking: You may be required to give presentations or lead meetings as an IT professional. Although public speaking can be intimidating, it is an important skill to cultivate. Use visual aids, practice your delivery, and engage your audience with questions and interactive activities.



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Collaboration Skills

The information technology business relies heavily on collaborative work. To accomplish things with other people, it is necessary for you to be able to collaborate effectively. The following are some suggestions that will assist you in developing your talents in working with others:

Set Clear Goals: While working on a project with other people, it is essential to establish clear goals and expectations right from the beginning of the endeavor. This will assist in ensuring that everyone is working towards the same goal, says Bruce Mohr, financial advisor at Fair Credit.

Foster Trust: It is impossible to successfully work together without trust. Maintain a reputation for dependability, honesty, and courtesy in all of your dealings with coworkers.

Use Collaborative Tools: There are several tools available to help teams cooperate more successfully, such as software for managing projects, tools for video conferencing, and shared document repositories. These tools may all be found online. Make use of these tools so that communication and collaboration can proceed more smoothly.


Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the capacity to detect, comprehend, and manage one’s own and other people’s emotions effectively. Developing your emotional intelligence can make it easier for you to interact and work effectively with others. The following is a list of suggestions that will assist you in developing your emotional intelligence:

Practice Self-Awareness: Emotional intelligence cannot exist without a solid foundation of self-awareness. Spend some time thinking about your feelings, your thoughts, and the ways in which you behave.

Manage Your Emotions: Emotions are capable of exerting a great deal of force, yet they can also be quite distracting and even harmful. Discover how to keep control of your own emotions so that you can remain composed and focused when confronted with challenging circumstances.

Show Empathy: The capacity to comprehend and identify with the emotions of another person is referred to as empathy. Exhibiting empathy can assist in the development of stronger relationships with coworkers as well as customers.


Cultural Intelligence

In our increasingly interconnected world, having a culturally intelligent perspective is becoming more and more crucial. The capacity to collaborate successfully with individuals hailing from a variety of cultural traditions is referred to as “cultural intelligence.” The following are some suggestions that will assist you in growing your cultural intelligence:

Learn About Different Cultures: Spend some time educating yourself about the customs, beliefs, and principles of a variety of cultures. You will be better able to prevent misunderstandings and create deeper relationships with coworkers and clients who come from different cultural backgrounds as a result of doing this.

Avoid Stereotypes: The practice of stereotyping can be detrimental, as it frequently results in misunderstandings and broken lines of communication. It is important to refrain from drawing conclusions about people based on the culture from which they come.

Be Open-Minded: If you go into a scenario with an open mind, it will be easier for you to grasp the opinions of others and will also make it easier for you to collaborate with people from a variety of cultural backgrounds. Have an attitude of openness to new information and ways of doing things, including a willingness to pick up new skills from other people, says Derek Bruce, Senior Director at Skills Training Group.


Securing Your Cloud

As the use of cloud computing becomes more widespread, cloud security has emerged as an increasingly important competency for IT professionals to possess. You may improve the safety of your cloud by following these guidelines:

Use strong passwords: When it comes to the security of your cloud accounts, having strong passwords is really necessary. Make your password more secure by using a mix of capital and lowercase characters, numbers, and symbols, and try to avoid using the same password for more than one account.

Implement multi factor authentication: Users are required to give various kinds of identity, such as a password and a fingerprint or a security token, in order to be authenticated using multi factor authentication, which adds an additional layer of protection to the system.

Regularly update software: For your own safety, you should always use the most recent version of any software you use. Make it a habit to install any new updates or patches for your system’s security as soon as they become available, says Jessica Shee, Digital Marketing Expert at iBoysoft.



In conclusion, in order for IT professionals to be successful in the fast-paced and continuously changing IT sector, it is vital for them to have “soft skills” such as effective collaboration and communication, emotional intelligence, and cultural intelligence. You can improve these talents and become a successful IT professional if you follow the advice that is provided in this article and use it as a guide.

In addition, developing the technical ability to protect your cloud environment and make efficient use of AI image generators are also essential competencies for IT professionals to acquire. As you go further in your IT career, keep the aforementioned advice in mind at all times.


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